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Distracted Driving

Download the Distracted Driving fact sheet (PDF) 0 IN CRASHES INVOLVING A DISTRACTED DRIVER 0 IN CRASHES INVOLVING A DISTRACTED DRIVER Distracted Driving In 2020, 3,142 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), accounting for eight percent of fatalities on U.S. roads.  In 2019, the most recent year for…

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Child Passenger Safety

Download the Child Passenger Safety fact sheet (PDF) Child Passenger Safety Motor vehicle crashes are among the leading causes of death for American children ages 1 to 14.  In 2019, 1,053 children aged 14 and younger were killed and an estimated 183,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes.  The best way to protect children aged 12 and under from risks…

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Seat Belts

Download the Seat Belts fact sheet (PDF) 0 KILLED IN MOTOR VEHICLE CRASHES IN 2020 0 WEREN’T WEARING SEAT BELTS Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Laws There were 38,824 motor vehicle crash fatalities on U.S. roads in 2020.  Among passenger vehicle occupant fatalities that year, more than half (51 percent) were unrestrained when restraint use was known.  For passengers that survived…

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Letter to the Senate on the DRIVE Act Sent July 26th

Safety groups and crash victims write to the U.S. Senate. As debate continues on the DRIVE Act (H.R. 22), there is still time to include a strong safety title. Unfortunately, the changes which have been made to the bill thus far are minimal and still do not advance needed safety improvements.  Without a course correction, our nation will experience the…

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