Capitol Hill Briefing: Expert Panel on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Safety

March 7, 2023


Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Road Safety

  • Joan Claybrook, former Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • Dr. David Harkey, President, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
  • Anna Buhlinger, Federal Affairs Director, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
  • Dr. Missy Cummings, Professor, George Mason University, College of Engineering and Computing
  • Carol Tyson, Government Affairs Liaison, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
  • Greg Regan, President, Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO
  • Julia M. C. Friedlander, Senior Manager, Automated Driving Policy, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Panel Discussion

Time for a Reality Check! Many lofty promises have been offered about how the deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) will resolve numerous safety, accessibility, global market competition, and other issues. Our expert panel will discuss varied perspectives on public policy, engineering and development, research, federal oversight, insurance implications, disability rights, the workforce and real-world experience.

See Advocates public opinion poll on AVs here.