In the News

West Hawaii Today Op-Ed on .05 Percent Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Law

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My Turn: People should not drive while impaired West Hawaii Today, March 14, 2020   By Cathy Chase, President Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Honorable T. Bella Dinh-Zarr, Former Vice Chair National Transportation Safety Board Co-founder, .05 Saves Lives…

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Statement for November 20, 2019 Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on Automated Vehicles

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Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) submitted a written statement to the Senate Commerce Committee to be included in the record of a hearing titled “Highly Automated Vehicles: Federal Perspectives on the Deployment of Safety Technology.”  You can read…

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Advocates’ Summary of Revised AV START Act Draft

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Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) prepared the following analysis of the revised staff draft of the AV START Act (S. 1885).  Like previous versions of this legislation, the revised draft allows companies to be given excessive exemptions from federal safety standards; lacks minimum performance requirements for the “vision of driverless cars”, electronics systems, cybersecurity and driver engagement; contains language that prevents states and localities from adequately protecting their citizens; and, lacks needed government oversight and industry accountability.

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Advocates’ Statement on National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month

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This National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month, December 2018, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges state and federal policymakers to advance effective solutions to improve safety on our Nation’s roads and highways.  Strengthening state impaired driving laws, boosting research and funding to learn more about drug-impaired driving, and ensuring that proven crash avoidance safety technologies are standard in all vehicles are steps that could be taken today to help keep families safe.

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