In the News

Advocates’ Statement on Labor Day Weekend Travel

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Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges drivers hitting the road for one last summer road trip over Labor Day weekend to ensure that it is a safe one.  Use common sense if you are driving: obey the speed limit, make sure everyone is properly buckled up, turn off and put away distracting devices, don’t drink and drive, and wear a helmet if you’re on a motorcycle.  More people are predicted to be taking to the road this weekend, which means a greater risk of deadly crashes.  Now is the time for elected officials, who are preparing for the upcoming legislative sessions, to commit to advancing available, proven solutions and enact lifesaving laws that prevent crashes, deaths and injuries.

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Advocates Remembers John McCain’s Auto Safety Legacy

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Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) mourns the loss of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and also celebrates the life of a true safety hero.  Senator McCain was a good friend of Advocates who championed numerous safety measures to protect consumers and prevent motor vehicle crashes, deaths and injuries.  As Chair of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, he helped advance bipartisan safety legislation that addressed deadly safety defects and industry cover-ups including the Firestone/Ford tire controversy linked to over 200 deaths and 800 injuries. 

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Advocates, Statement on Hot Cars Study

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A system reminding drivers to remember vulnerable back seat passengers is a commonsense solution to these heartbreaking deaths.  One child dies from heat stroke every nine days in communities across the country.  Rear seat passenger alerts are already available and we’re failing our children each day that this effective, proven technology isn’t included as standard equipment in every vehicle.

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Advocates Letter to Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers About Driverless Car Legislation

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Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety sent a letter to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers refuting the auto industry trade group’s misleading statement at the Politico Live event, “Safety in the Driverless Age” on Thursday, April 19 that had the AV START Act (S. 1885) been law, the public would know “a lot more” about why an Uber autonomous vehicle (AV) car struck and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona last month.

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