
Advocates opposes Anti-Safety Truck Sections in FY 2024 THUD Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Large truck crashes killed nearly 5,800 people in 2021. Fatalities involving large truck crashes have increased 66 percent since 2009. Truck driving is identified as one of the most dangerous occupations in the U.S. by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.…

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Letter to U.S. DOT Sec. Buttigieg Urging Action for ISA Rulemaking

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates’ letter to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg urging him to move forward with a rulemaking to require intelligent speed assistance (ISA) systems on new vehicles. Read the full letter here.  

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Safety Groups Urge DOT Sec. Buttigieg to Take Action to Prevent Hot Car Deaths

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

In the letter, safety groups and advocates state: “The Federal Communications Commission recently adopted new rules for the 60 GHz spectrum band that will facilitate the use of short-range radar systems which can help to prevent the deaths or injuries…

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Letter to Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for Hearing on Implementation on IIJA

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates sent a letter to Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works regarding the June 14, 2023 hearing, “Implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act by the Federal Highway Administration.” With deaths and injuries…

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