
Broad Coalition Asks DOT For Stronger Driverless Car Rules

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

A broad coalition of state and national organizations representing public health and safety professionals, bicyclists, pedestrians, smart growth advocates, consumers, environmentalists, law enforcement, first responders, and individuals with disabilities called on U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Secretary Elaine L. Chao to get off the sidelines and fulfill the statutory duty of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to ensure appropriate action and effective oversight for the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles, or driverless cars.

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Letter to GA Senate Leaders on Distracted Driving Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety urges you to support House Bill (HB) 673. This legislation will improve safety on Georgia’s roads by broadening the current prohibition on drivers from using wireless communication devices to read, write or send text messages while operating a motor vehicle to include the expanded uses of portable electronic devices that have emerged as technology developed. Considering the prevalence of distracted driving crashes, this legislation is critical, responsive and timely.

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Safety Leaders Urge Passage of NY Seat Belt Bills

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

We urge you to support Assembly Bill (A.) 1582, sponsored by Assemblyman Walter Mosley (D-57), and Senate Bill (S.) 2928, sponsored by Senator Martin Malave Dilan (D-18), to upgrade the seat belt law to require all occupants to buckle up. Additionally, the measure is included as a provision in the Transportation Budget Bills, A. 9508, Part G, section 7, and S. 7508, Part G, section 7, currently pending the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee. 

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Letter to Senate Leaders on Driverless Car Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The Nation’s leading state and national groups representing public health and safety, bicyclists, pedestrians, disability communities, consumers, law enforcement, environmentalists, first responders, smart growth advocates and crash victims’ families urge Senate leaders to make essential improvements to legislation addressing autonomous vehicles, or driverless cars, the AV START Act (S.1885) and to disregard the artificial urgency to rush the bill through. This diverse coalition clearly demonstrates widespread alarm and skepticism about the industry’s unfounded and unreliable arguments about the urgent need to pass this flawed bill.

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