
Statement on Introduction of Lifesaving Michigan Impaired Driving Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 21, 2019 Contact: 202-408-1711 Statement of Tara Gill, Senior Director Advocacy and State Legislation, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, On Introduction of Lifesaving Michigan Legislation — HB 4419, HB 4420 and HB 4421 Will Significantly…

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Advocates’ Statement on National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

This National Drugged and Drunk Driving Prevention Month, December 2018, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges state and federal policymakers to advance effective solutions to improve safety on our Nation’s roads and highways.  Strengthening state impaired driving laws, boosting research and funding to learn more about drug-impaired driving, and ensuring that proven crash avoidance safety technologies are standard in all vehicles are steps that could be taken today to help keep families safe.

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Joint Statement on the AV START Act (S. 1885)

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Our neighborhood streets should not be turned into industry proving grounds.  Unless crucial safeguards called for by a broad coalition are added to AV START, Senators should oppose this dangerous bill and reject any attempts to circumvent open discussion and debate by attaching it to must-pass legislation.  We believe driverless vehicles may have the potential to reduce crashes and improve accessibility, but it is clear that day is still far away.  Rushing through a driverless vehicle bill that lacks fundamental safeguards will make our roads less safe and risks turning an already skeptical public even more against this technology.

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Advocates’ Statement on School Bus and Bus Stop Crashes

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The recent crashes in Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina and Pennsylvania that killed at least five children and injured at least 23 people highlight the dangers our children face as they travel to and from school each day. Proven countermeasures to make school buses safer comprise the School Bus Safety Act (S. 3432/H.R. 6773) including requiring school buses to have seat belts in every seat and effective safety technologies like automatic emergency braking and electronic stability control systems.

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