
Letter in Support of Bills on Seat Belts and Automated Enforcement in Massachusetts

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

A comprehensive seat belt law and use of automated enforcement systems to curb deadly driving behaviors, such as speeding and red light running, are vital to overcome the public health epidemic of traffic fatalities and injuries, and to ensure the health and safety of Massachusetts families and visitors who travel on the Commonwealth’s roads.

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Missouri Times Op-Ed by Cathy Chase on Traffic Safety Laws

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

These are dangerous times for Missouri motorists and road users. Crash fatalities skyrocketed to a 13-year high in 2020, with nearly 1,000 deaths, including 120 pedestrians, according to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT).

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Statement on Letter from 18 AGs to Upgrade Child Passenger Safety

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 13, 2021 CONTACT: Allison Kennedy  / [email protected] / 360-281-7033 Statement of Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, on the Letter Sent by 18 Attorneys General to Upgrade Child Passenger Safety Advocates for Highway and…

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Statement on the Urgent Need to Upgrade Ohio’s Distracted Driving Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Distracted driving is a destructive and deadly danger on our roadways.  With the evolution of smartphones and the expansion of digital communication platforms in the form of apps, cameras, social media, gaming and more, Ohio’s law needs to be updated to restrict device use and curb distraction behind the wheel.  House Bill (H.B.) 283 would accomplish this goal, and Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges the state legislature to take swift action to advance it.

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