
Letter to the North Dakota Senate Transportation Committee on Senate Bill (SB) 2121: Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) and support passage of Senate Bill (SB) 2121, legislation that will upgrade North Dakota’s seat belt law to primary enforcement for all occupants. A comprehensive seat belt law is vital to overcome the public health epidemic of traffic fatalities and injuries and to ensure the health and safety of North Dakota families and visitors who travel on state roads.

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PRESS RELEASE: Following Deadlier Than Expected 2020, New Highway Safety Report Provides Solutions State Legislatures Can Take Action on as 2021 Sessions Kick Off

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

In 2020, impaired and distracted driving increased, and seat belt use decreased, contributing to a higher overall fatality rate in the first half of the year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and news reports from around the country.  In the Report, Advocates urges states to “Change this Picture in 2021,” by enacting 16 recommended optimal highway safety laws.

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MEDIA ALERT: Report Card to Rate 50 States and DC on Passage of Essential Traffic Safety Laws

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates will call on state lawmakers to use this new report as a roadmap during their 2021 legislative sessions to pass proven, effective laws that will reverse this trajectory and reduce the more than 36,600 deaths and 2.7 million injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes annually.

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Opposing Effort to Repeal Missouri’s All-Rider Helmet Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The Missouri Times published the following joint op-ed on May 7, 2020: Opposing Missouri Motorcycle Helmet Repeal   The Missouri Legislature is once again considering a repeal of the state’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law.  Proponents of this imprudent action have…

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