
Action Needed to Stop Missouri Helmet Repeal Effort

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Urgent action is needed to defeat SB 556, a bill to repeal Missouri’s motorcycle helmet law being considered by the state’s legislature. It is critical that Senate leadership hear from you to convey your strong opposition to SB 556 and any effort to repeal the all-rider helmet law now.

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Letter to ID Governor on All-Offender IID Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Traffic fatalities on Idaho roads reached the highest number in a decade in 2016 and improvements to traffic safety are urgently needed. Advocates urges you to sign H. 551 to require this commonsense, lifesaving law to curb drunk driving.

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Letter to GA Senate Leaders on Distracted Driving Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety urges you to support House Bill (HB) 673. This legislation will improve safety on Georgia’s roads by broadening the current prohibition on drivers from using wireless communication devices to read, write or send text messages while operating a motor vehicle to include the expanded uses of portable electronic devices that have emerged as technology developed. Considering the prevalence of distracted driving crashes, this legislation is critical, responsive and timely.

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NH Seat Belt Bill HB 1259 Separating Fact from Fiction: Floor Vote March 15

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Support HB 1259 to help ensure everyone buckles up on every trip. Since 2009, when the last seat belt bill was offered in New Hampshire, through 2016, 431 unrestrained people have been killed on state roads. Send an email to the House of Representatives at [email protected] and urge them to vote YES on HB 1259!

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