Vehicle Safety

Media Alert: Capitol Hill Briefing on Autonomous Vehicle Safety

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

CONTACT: Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety:  Pete Daniels / 202-408-1711 / 301-442-2249 (C) / The Center for Auto Safety: Jason Levine / 202-328-7700 / Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund: Carol Tyson / 202-878-9186 / League…

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Protecting Roadside First Responders Act

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

On October 24, 2019, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-IL) introduced the Protecting Roadside First Responders Act of 2019, which aims to reduce tragic incidents involving law enforcement officers and others being hit…

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Media Alert: Upgrading the U.S. New Car Assessment Program (NCAP)

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 7, 2019 CONTACT:   Pete Daniels, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, 202-408-1711 or 301-442-2249,   MEDIA ALERT: PRESS CONFERENCE Upgrading the U.S. New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) U.S. NCAP is out of date and…

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Demonstration of Technology That Prevents Hot Car Deaths

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

CONTACT:   Pete Daniels, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety 202-408-1711 or 301-442-2249, Janette Fennell,, 415-336-9279, Amber Rollins,, 913-205-6973,   MEDIA ALERT: DEMONSTRATION OF TECHNOLOGY THAT PREVENTS HOT CAR DEATHS Wednesday, September 18, 2019  …

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