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graduated driver licensing

Statement on Safety Events in October

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 14, 2022 CONTACT: Allison Kennedy / / 360-281-7033 (C) Statement from Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, on Featured Safety Events in October, including National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 16 – 22), and Halloween Safety  As leaves start to fall, traffic fatalities remain on the rise.  In addition to Halloween, October…

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Press Release: Out of Control Death Toll on U.S. Roadways Requires Urgent Action by State and Federal Officials — New Report by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) Details a Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Crashes, Fatalities and Injuries

The recent, unprecedented spike in fatalities merits urgent action.  Fortunately, the solutions to persistent issues causing crash deaths and injuries, as detailed in Advocates’ Roadmap Report, are verified and available.  Every serious preventable crash exacts a physical, emotional, and economic toll.  Lawmakers and those empowered to protect road users must chart a course in 2022 to address “out of control” fatalities by supporting proven countermeasures and commonsense vehicle safety upgrades.

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Statement on Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April Fools’ Day marks the start of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, but distracted driving is no joke.  It remains a leading contributor to motor vehicle crashes, deaths and injuries.  Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) calls for decisive action on a comprehensive strategy to curb distraction behind the wheel.

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PRESS RELEASE: Following Deadlier Than Expected 2020, New Highway Safety Report Provides Solutions State Legislatures Can Take Action on as 2021 Sessions Kick Off

In 2020, impaired and distracted driving increased, and seat belt use decreased, contributing to a higher overall fatality rate in the first half of the year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and news reports from around the country.  In the Report, Advocates urges states to “Change this Picture in 2021,” by enacting 16 recommended optimal highway safety laws.

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