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graduated driver licensing

CA: Advocates Urges Appropriations Committee to Support GDL Improvement

Advocates wrote to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations urging the committee to support Assembly Bill (AB) 2385. This vital legislation will improve California’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) law by requiring older teen and young adult novice drivers up to age 21 to participate in the state’s GDL program. Read our letter to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations here.

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CA: Advocates Calls on California to Strengthen GDL Law

Advocates urges California to enact Assembly Bill (AB) 2385. This legislation will improve California’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) law by requiring older teen and young adult novice drivers up to age 21 to participate in the state’s GDL program. AB 2385 is critically needed as the number of young drivers (aged 15 to 20) involved in fatal crashes in 2021…

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NE: Advocates Pushes For Bill Upgrading Distracted Driving Law to Primary Enforcement

Wireless communication device distraction, which includes manual, visual and cognitive components, is a serious issue contributing to crashes. In 2022, there were an estimated 250 traffic fatalities in Nebraska according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Distracted driving caused nearly 41,000 crashes, over 14,000 injuries, and 119 deaths in Nebraska from 2011-2020. If enacted, Legislative Bill (LB) 1340…

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