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Statement on New Research Showing Massive Benefits of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSSs) to Society

Contact: Shane Austin [email protected] 202.425.2776 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement by Cathy Chase, President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), on New Research Showing Massive Benefits of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSSs) to Society (Washington, D.C.-December 17, 2024) Today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a set of studies showing over 860,000 lives saved and 49…

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Statement on Final Rule to Require Front Passenger Seat and Rear Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Systems on New Passenger Vehicles

Contact: Shane Austin [email protected] 202.425.2776 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement on Final Rule to Require Front Passenger Seat and Rear Passenger Seat Belt Reminder Systems on New Passenger Vehicles (Washington, D.C.-December 16, 2024) Today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a Final Rule requiring seat belt use warnings for front passenger seats and rear seats and enhanced warnings for…

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Advocates and Other Traffic Safety Groups Call for Appointment of Proven Safety Leader to Head NHTSA in Next Administration

Today, Advocates and other traffic safety groups sent a letter to President-elect Trump’s transition team, calling for the next administration to prioritize naming a proven safety leader to head the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Nearly 41,000 lives were lost on U.S. roadways and approximately 2.4 million people were injured in traffic crashes in 2023 signifying the importance and…

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