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Baltimore Sun Editorial: Safer Teen Drivers

  Safer teen drivers June 16, 2016 Can Maryland’s teen drivers be saved from themselves? Last week, three Montgomery County teens, all juniors at Clarksburg High School, died in a single-vehicle crash in Damascus. The driver, a 17-year-old who had only recently obtained his provisional driver’s license, had veered into a tree in his vintage Ford F-250 pickup at a…

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Statement of Jackie Gillan on Sen. Bill Nelson’s Report on Takata Airbags

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 2, 2016                                   Contact: Allison Kennedy, 202-408-1711, [email protected] STATEMENT OF JACKIE GILLAN, PRESIDENT OF ADVOCATES FOR HIGHWAY AND AUTO SAFETY, ON SEN. BILL NELSON’S (D-FL), RANKING MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION, REPORT ON TAKATA AIRBAGS, “The Takata Recalls: Consumers Are Still Stuck in Neutral” The report released by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL),…

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Statements on House Appropriations Committee Action to Repeal Commonsense Truck Safety Rules

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 24, 2016 Contact: Allison Kennedy, 202-408-1711, [email protected] With Memorial Day Weekend Approaching and Record Number of Highway Deaths and Injuries Predicted, Congress Moves Special Interest Bill Putting Even More Tired Truckers on the Roads with Families Statements on Today’s House Appropriations Committee Action to Repeal Commonsense Safety Rules on Working and Driving Limits of Truck Drivers…

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HuffPost Politics: Congress Using Zika To Weaken Truck Safety

Fighting the virus is tied to a bill that would allow fatigued truckers to stay on the road for more than 80 hours a week. 05/19/2016 05:00 am ET Michael McAuliff WASHINGTON — Truck driver Dana Logan tried on Wednesday to recount a crash that decapitated two fathers and two children, hoping to convince Congress to stop weakening rules that…

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