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ND: Bill to Raise the Speed Limit Will Also Raise Risk of Death and Injury

Advocates is asking leadership and members of the Senate Transportation Committee to oppose House Bill (HB) 1298. This legislation will permit an increase in speed limits to 80 miles per hour (mph) on access-controlled, paved and divided, multilane interstate highways across North Dakota, endangering state residents as well as visitors. In 2023, an estimated 106 people died in traffic crash…

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WV: Repealing All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Use Law Would Be Deadly and Costly Mistake

Advocates has publicly weighed in with the House Committee on Finance of the West Virginia Legislature to oppose House Bill 2739, which would repeal the all-rider motorcycle helmet use law. Motorcycle riders are nearly 22 times more likely to die in a crash than passenger vehicle occupants. In 2022, 40 motorcyclists lost their lives in West Virginia according to the…

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MO: Lawmakers Should Advance Bills to Combat Drunk Driving Plague

Advocates has joined other safety organizations to call for the Missouri Senate Committee on the Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence to advance Senate Bill 353 and House Bill 273. These bills will require drunk drivers who enter into a diversion program agreement to utilize an ignition interlock device. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the issue of…

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