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MN: House Should Advance Use of Crucial Technology to Reduce Fatalities

34 percent of all fatal crashes in Minnesota in 2021 were speeding related, causing 167 fatalities. Senate File (SF) 2026/House File (HF) 2098 would authorize the state and localities to utilize automated speed enforcement (ASE), also known as speed safety cameras. This technology is proven to deter speeding and prevent crashes. They are recommended for state and local adoption by…

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LA: House Members Should Vote YES on Senate Bill 7 to Help Prevent Drunk Driving

In Louisiana, ignition interlock devices (IIDs) have stopped 164,535 attempts to drive with a BAC of 0.08 or higher since 2006. In 2022 alone, IIDs stopped 13,339 attempts to drive with a BAC of 0.08 or higher. The technology is a cost-effective and proven solution that reduces drunk driving recidivism and helps keep our nation’s roads safe for millions of…

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NE: Advocates Pushes For Bill Upgrading Distracted Driving Law to Primary Enforcement

Wireless communication device distraction, which includes manual, visual and cognitive components, is a serious issue contributing to crashes. In 2022, there were an estimated 250 traffic fatalities in Nebraska according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Distracted driving caused nearly 41,000 crashes, over 14,000 injuries, and 119 deaths in Nebraska from 2011-2020. If enacted, Legislative Bill (LB) 1340…

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HI: Ahead of Senate Hearing, Advocates Pushes for Action on .05 BAC

Drunk driving is a deadly and costly threat to Hawaii families. In 2021, there were 94 fatalities on state roads, and 30 percent of those (24) involved drunk driving. In addition, Hawaii incurred $580 million in economic harm due to motor vehicle crashes according to a 2019 analysis. Drunk driving is a serious problem that requires urgent action. Advancing .05…

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