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MS: Bill to Raise Speed Limit Will Cause More Death and Destruction on State’s Roads

Advocates has weighed in to oppose House Bill 74 in a letter to the Mississippi Senate Highways and Transportation Committee. The legislation would increase the speed limit to 70 miles per hour (mph) on highways and 75 mph on interstate highways and access-controlled highways with four or more lanes, endangering state residents and visitors. In 2023 an estimated 715 people…

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AZ: New Legislation Offers Hope to Address State’s High Rate of Speed-Related Fatalities

Advocates has joined other roadway safety organizations in a letter to members of the Arizona House of Representatives supporting House Bill 2786. The bill would establish an Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) Program, offering a safe driving alternative for individuals whose licenses would otherwise be suspended. Driving in Arizona has become increasingly dangerous. In 2023, speeding was a contributing factor to…

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