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HI: State Should Lower BAC Limit to .05% To Address Scourge of Drunk Driving

Prior to a hearing today in the Hawaii House of Representatives’ Committee on Transportation, Advocates has sent a letter in support of several bills that would lower the per se limit of driving while under the influence of an intoxicant to .05 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC), deter drunk driving and save lives. Read the full letter here.    …

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NH: Oppose House Bill That Would Gut Distracted Driving Enforcement and Endanger All Road Users

Ahead of a hearing on February 11th, Advocates has sent a letter to leaders of the House Transportation Committee outlining our opposition to House Bill (HB) 411. This legislation will endanger New Hampshire residents by downgrading the distracted driving law to secondary enforcement. Current law is primary enforcement which allows law enforcement to stop distracted drivers without needing to first…

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Advocates Calls on Senate Commerce Committee to Advance Bill Addressing Dangerous Gap in Vehicle Safety

In advance of tomorrow’s Executive Session in the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Advocates has submitted a letter of support of the She Develops Regulations in Vehicle Equality and Safety (She DRIVES) Act (S.161). We commend Committee Member Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE) for sponsoring this legislation and Committee Members Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL),…

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