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OK: State Senate Should Oppose Bill that Undermines Graduated Driver Licensing Law

Advocates has stated our opposition to leadership in the Oklahoma Senate on House Bill (HB) 3191. The measure would eliminate passenger limits for novice teen drivers who have an intermediate Class D license (intermediate license) or who have a farmer’s permit. In doing so, it will weaken the graduated driver licensing (GDL) law and threaten the safety of these drivers…

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NC: Legislature Has Opportunity to Strengthen Drunk Driving Law to Save Lives

Advocates supports House Bill (HB) 1043 to improve the ignition interlock device (IID) law by requiring Driving While Impaired (DWI) offenders to engage in a compliance based removal in order to complete the IID term. We urge the legislature to also expand the current IID mandate to all first-time offenders to increase the benefits of this proven technology and prevent…

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NY: Advocates Urges Passage of Distraction Bill to Help Keep School Bus Drivers Focused on Safety

Advocates supports enactment of Senate Bill (S.) 9559. This legislation will improve safety by prohibiting school bus drivers from using mobile telephones while driving when students are on board. Current law permits hands-free use of mobile devices. Hands-free is not distraction free and thereby places child passengers and other road users at risk when school bus drivers are distracted by…

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