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Letter Opposing House Bill (HB) 628 to Raise Speed Limits on New Hampshire Roadways

In 2020 despite a steep drop in vehicle miles traveled, 42 percent at its lowest point compared to the average in 2019, the number of traffic fatalities in New Hampshire remained consistent with 2019, indicating a spike in the traffic fatality rate. Reckless driving resulting in deadlier crashes has been identified as a cause, and the lethal combination of a rise in speeding and impaired driving and a decrease in seat belt use has been reported. Clearly, these dangerous issues need to be addressed and certainly should not be exacerbated by increasing speed limits.

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Joint Statement Opposing Senate Bill (SB) 712 to Repeal Maryland’s All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law

On February 19, 2021 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), the Maryland Emergency Nurses Association and the Partnership for a Safer Maryland submitted a statement opposing Senate Bill (SB) 712, which would repeal Maryland’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law.  The statement was submitted for the record to the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in advance of a February 23, 2021 hearing.

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