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Updated Safety Scorecard on FY2025 House THUD Bill and Amendments

We have updated our Scorecard urging opposition to anti-safety trucking sections 131 through 134, the Clyde amendment to prohibit use of federal funds for speed and red light safety cameras and others in the House FY 2025 THUD bill. Read the updated Scorecard as of July 24, 2024 here. Advocates sent a joint letter to Members of the House Appropriations…

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Ahead of House Hearing, Advocates Highlights Critical Solutions to Address Motor Vehicle Crashes

On July 24th, the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit in the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will hold a hearing titled “Examining the Department of Transportation’s Regulatory and Administrative Agenda.” Advocates has sent a letter outlining the importance of federal safety standards in saving lives on our roadways and critical solutions that need enacting, including the completion of rulemakings…

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Advocates Leads Group Letter to NHTSA Opposing Petition to Reconsider AEB Rule

Advocates, in coordination with property/casualty insurers and consumer groups sent a letter today to Sophie Shulman, Deputy Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) urging them to deny in its entirety, the petition for reconsideration of the final rule recently filed by the Alliance for Automotive Innovation. This rule is the most impactful regulation for roadway safety issued…

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