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Group Letters to U.S. Senate Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) & House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

As families who have suffered the loss or serious injury of children, spouses and other loved ones in preventable motor vehicle crashes, truck crashes, hot car incidents, and seatback failures, we join with consumer, public health, safety, bicyclist and pedestrian advocates in urging you to ensure that crucial safety advances are included in the final infrastructure bill sent to President Biden.  This is the only way our nation will achieve significant and sustained reductions in the unacceptable and costly death and injury toll caused by motor vehicle crashes.  Unfortunately, the Surface Transportation Investment Act (S. 2016) contains safety placebos instead of the proven and available remedies passed by the House with bipartisan support.

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Group Letter to U.S. Senate Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

As families who have suffered the loss or serious injury of children, spouses and other loved ones in preventable motor vehicle crashes, truck crashes, hot car incidents, and seatback failures, we join with consumer, public health, safety, bicyclist and pedestrian advocates in urging you to ensure that crucial safety advances are included in the final infrastructure bill sent to President Biden.  This is the only way our nation will achieve significant and sustained reductions in the unacceptable and costly death and injury toll caused by motor vehicle crashes.  Unfortunately, the Surface Transportation Investment Act (S. 2016) contains safety placebos instead of the proven and available remedies passed by the House with bipartisan support.

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Group Letter to U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

As families who have suffered the loss or serious injury of children, spouses and other loved ones in preventable motor vehicle crashes, truck crashes, hot car incidents, and seatback failures, we join with consumer, public health, safety, bicyclist and pedestrian advocates in urging you to ensure that the safety advances enacted in H.R. 3684, the INVEST in America Act, are retained in the final infrastructure bill sent to President Biden.  

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Message to Congress From Crash Victim Advocate Amy Cohen

“2,842 days.  Nearly 41 million minutes.  That is how long it has been since I last kissed my kind, adorable 12-year-old son goodbye and then never saw him alive again.  He was in 8th grade and just needed to walk from school to soccer practice.  That should not be a deadly act.  In his memory, I urge Congress to prioritize safety.  It is imperative that vehicles be designed to protect children like mine just trying to get around on our streets.  All vehicles should have automatic emergency braking (AEB) with an ability to detect those walking and biking who are most vulnerable.”

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