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Letter to Wyoming Joint Committee on Transportation and Highways on Senate File (SF) 11: Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Legislation

As representatives of leading public health and safety organizations, we support passage of Senate File (SF) 11, legislation that will upgrade Wyoming’s seat belt law to primary enforcement for all occupants. A comprehensive seat belt law is vital to overcome the public health epidemic of traffic fatalities and injuries and to ensure the health and safety of Wyoming families and visitors who travel on state roads.

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Statement on Proposed Truck Driver Sleeper Berth Pilot Program

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) opposes a new pilot program announced today that would further erode minimum protections to curb the well-known public safety threat of truck driver fatigue.  This proposal by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), announced just days before the start of a new administration, would threaten public safety at a time when truck crashes claim far too many lives and cause lifelong debilitating injuries.

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Statement on Autonomous Vehicles Rule

Today’s action by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is the culmination of a preoccupation with kowtowing to the auto industry’s priority of removing so-called regulatory barriers in order to facilitate the introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs). While we expected nothing less, this misdirection should not go unnoticed or overlooked.

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