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Advocates’ Statement on Waymo’s 10 Million Miles Driven

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) has a long history of championing proven safety technology, from airbags in the 1990s to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) today.  We commend Waymo for reaching 10 million miles of testing on public roads.  However, this pales in comparison to the more than three trillion miles traveled by human drivers on U.S. roads each year.  Many more miles and milestones must be reached before driverless cars are sold to the public, which is precisely what a bill under consideration in the U.S. Senate will allow, AV START Act (S. 1885).

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Advocates’ Statement on U.S. DOT 3.0 AV Guidelines

Today the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) released weak, voluntary guidelines allowing manufacturers of autonomous vehicles (AVs) to use our Nation’s roads and highways as proving grounds for unproven technology.  Instead of being called “3.0” guidelines, they should be considered “-1.0” guidelines because they throw our Nation’s AV policy in reverse.  AV manufacturers will continue to introduce extremely complex, supercomputers-on-wheels into the driving environment with meager government oversight and accountability.

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Statement on 2017 Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities

Today, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released new data showing that motor vehicle crash fatalities remain at unacceptably high levels.  While it is welcome news that our Nation experienced a 1.8 percent decrease in crash fatalities from 2016 to 2017, the fact remains that more than 100 people are killed in preventable motor vehicle crashes each day on average.

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Advocates’ Statement on Updating NCAP

By any measure the New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) has been exceedingly successful.  The program has been copied the world over and has provided necessary safety information to consumers for decades.  NCAP is an invaluable tool in helping to ensure Americans have the information they need in order to purchase safe vehicles that will protect them and their families. 

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