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MEDIA ALERT: Virtual Press Conference on Ensuring Safety is Advanced in Any Transportation/Infrastructure Package

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), joined by U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and U.S. Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), families of truck crash, distracted driving crash, child “hot car” and seatback failure victims, and safety, public health, law enforcement, bicyclist and consumer advocates will discuss needed safety provisions that should be included in any congressional legislation on transportation and infrastructure.

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Statement on Anti-Safety Amdt. to Transportation Funding Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 16, 2021 CONTACT: Allison Kennedy / [email protected] / 360-281-7033 Statement of Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, in Opposition to Anti-Safety Amendment Adopted to the Fiscal Year 2022 Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill Today, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations held a markup of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Transportation,…

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Statement on Letter from 18 AGs to Upgrade Child Passenger Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 13, 2021 CONTACT: Allison Kennedy  / [email protected] / 360-281-7033 Statement of Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, on the Letter Sent by 18 Attorneys General to Upgrade Child Passenger Safety Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) commends Attorneys General from seventeen states and the District of Columbia for the letter they sent today…

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Action Alert: Improvements Needed to S. 2016

Deaths are Up.  Action is Needed Now.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates, last year, 38,680 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes.  This marks the largest projected increase in traffic fatalities since 2007 even while the number of vehicle miles traveled dropped.  Without federal action to implement proven safety solutions, it can be expected that…

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