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Message to Congress from Hot Car Incident Victim Advocate Lindsey Rogers-Seitz

“It has been seven years since my precious son Benjamin passed away in our family vehicle after a change in routine caused my husband to forget that he had not dropped him off at daycare.  Families do not move on from tragedies like this, and perhaps the most tragic thing of all is that these hot car incidents are preventable with the right kind of technology.  Car manufacturers have been aware of this problem for decades.  We need the U.S. Senate to follow the lead of the House and include the Hot Cars Act in transportation and infrastructure legislation.”

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Message to Congress from Distracted Driving Victim Advocate Jennifer Smith

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) sent the message below to Congress on August 3, 2021: This morning, an op-ed was published in Chicago’s Daily Herald, “Build safety into infrastructure bill,” by Shaun Kildare, Senior Director of Research at Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, and Jennifer Smith, Founder of   “The U.S. Senate is moving toward passage of a bipartisan…

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