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Advocates opposes Anti-Safety Truck Sections in FY 2024 THUD Bill

Large truck crashes killed nearly 5,800 people in 2021. Fatalities involving large truck crashes have increased 66 percent since 2009. Truck driving is identified as one of the most dangerous occupations in the U.S. by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Truck safety needs to be improved NOT weakened. We urge you to OPPOSE Sections 131 through 134 in FY 2024…

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Advocates’ Statement On New Data Revealing More than 12,000 People Killed in Speeding-Related Crashes

Statement: (Washington, D.C. | July 10, 2023) The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released new data on the tremendously deadly impact of speeding. In 2021, 12,330 people were killed in speeding-related crashes, nearly a third of the nearly 43,000 people killed on our Nation’s roadways. That’s the highest number of speeding-related fatalities since 2007. Another estimated 328,946 road users suffered speeding-related injuries in 2021.

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Statement: Calling for Safe 4th of July Roadway Travel

(Washington, DC-June 28, 2023) The 4th of July is a major car travel weekend across the U.S. and one of the deadliest on our roads. This year, AAA projects 50.7 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home from Friday to Tuesday, setting a new record for the holiday. Of those, 43.2 million people are expected to drive to their destinations, also setting a new record.

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