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Statement on Distracted Driving Awareness Month

For Release: April 30, 2019 Contact: Peter Daniels 202-408-1711/ (C) 301-442-2249, [email protected] Statement of Cathy Chase, President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, On National Distracted Driving Awareness Month Distracted Driving is a deadly, year-round problem that requires urgent action by federal and state elected officials WATCH Cathy Chase talking about distracted driving on the April 23 episode of…

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Statement on Release of GAO Study on Truck Underride Guards

In response to a report issued on April 15, 2019 by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) called “Truck Underride Guards, Improved Data Collection, Inspections, and Research Needed“, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety along with families and survivors of truck crashes and the Truck Safety Coalition released a statement calling for improvements.  The full statement is available here.

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Advocates Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Bestows Awards on Safety Leaders

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 9, 2019 Contact: Allison Kennedy, [email protected], 202-408-1711 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Celebrates 30th Anniversary, Bestows Awards on Safety Leaders (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), a unique partnership between insurance companies and agents, public health, safety and consumer groups, is marking 30 years since its founding in 1989.  The organization…

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