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Action Needed to Stop Missouri Helmet Repeal Effort

Urgent action is needed to defeat SB 556, a bill to repeal Missouri’s motorcycle helmet law being considered by the state’s legislature. It is critical that Senate leadership hear from you to convey your strong opposition to SB 556 and any effort to repeal the all-rider helmet law now.

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Advocates Letter to Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers About Driverless Car Legislation

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety sent a letter to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers refuting the auto industry trade group’s misleading statement at the Politico Live event, “Safety in the Driverless Age” on Thursday, April 19 that had the AV START Act (S. 1885) been law, the public would know “a lot more” about why an Uber autonomous vehicle (AV) car struck and killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona last month.

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NHTSA Funding Letter to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee

In advance of a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies hearing on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s FY2019 Budget Request, leading safety, consumer, and public health advocates sent Committee members a letter expressing their strong support of a robust budget for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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