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Statement of Cathy Chase, President, on Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement of Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, on Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month (Washington, DC-May 1, 2023) Motorcycles are the most hazardous form of motor vehicle transportation. That’s why in May, as the weather warms up and more motorcycle riders take to the roads, we bring attention to the need to reduce the climbing death…

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Remarks by Cathy Chase, President, on Hot Car Tragedies

Remarks by Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Press Conference: Grieving Families, Members of Congress, Kids and Car Safety and Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety Call for Immediate Action to End Hot Car Tragedies May 1, 2023 Good morning.  I’m Cathy Chase, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates).  Advocates is an alliance…

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Letter Urging NC Gov. Cooper to Veto SB-157 Weakening the GDL Law

Advocates has sent a letter to North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper urging him to veto Senate Bill (SB) 157, which will weaken requirements of the current graduated driver licensing (GDL) law and imperil the safety of novice teen drivers and all who share the roads with them. Read the full letter here.    

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New Jersey Students Issue Video Appeal for Rear Seat Belt Upgrade

Student members of Indian Hills High School (Oakland, NJ) “Click Clack Front and Back” club are appealing to New Jersey Legislators to support Senate Bill S.3323, sponsored by Senator Holly Schepisi (R), and the companion Assembly Bill A.5163, sponsored by Assemblymember Robert Auth (R). They advocate for upgrading the rear seat belt requirement to a primary offense and helping save…

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