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Statement on the Urgent Need to Upgrade Ohio’s Distracted Driving Law

Distracted driving is a destructive and deadly danger on our roadways.  With the evolution of smartphones and the expansion of digital communication platforms in the form of apps, cameras, social media, gaming and more, Ohio’s law needs to be updated to restrict device use and curb distraction behind the wheel.  House Bill (H.B.) 283 would accomplish this goal, and Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) urges the state legislature to take swift action to advance it.

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Group Letter to U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Urging Safety Provisions to be Included in Transportation Legislation

As you consider surface transportation reauthorization legislation, we urge you to advance safety solutions that will significantly reduce the motor vehicle crash death and injury toll that imposes a needless emotional and economic burden on our country. You have a unique opportunity to make progress on overdue lifesaving measures and achieve consequential reductions in highway deaths and injuries.

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Safety Scorecard for Amendments to the INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684)

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways, the Consumer Federation of America, Parents Against Tired Truckers, the Trauma Foundation and Truck Safety Coalition sent a safety scorecard to the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for amendments offered during markup of the INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684). 

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Letter in Support of House Bill (HB) 283 to Upgrade Ohio’s Distracted Driving Law

This legislation will improve safety on Ohio roads by upgrading the state’s distracted driving law to primary enforcement, curbing distracting viewing behind the wheel, and adding a ban on handheld mobile device use. Current state law is secondary enforcement which significantly hinders police efforts as they are required to first observe an additional violation before stopping the driver for texting while driving.

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