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Op-Ed: Utah should not buy the fear-mongering of the alcohol lobby

    Op-ed: Utah should not buy the fear-mongering of the alcohol lobby By Andrew McGuire JUN 21, 2017   The Utah Legislature has enacted an important and lifesaving law to make Utah’s roads safer for families by lowering the impaired driving limit to .05 percent BAC. Yet, this newspaper recently published an opinion piece from Candace Lightner opposing Utah’s…

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Statement on “Paving the Way for Self-Driving Vehicles”

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) sent this statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for the hearing “Paving the Way for Self-Driving Vehicles” on June 14, 2017. A summary of the statement is available here. As the proverbial “way is paved” for AVs, it is critical to ensure public safety and that industry not…

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News Conference on the Introduction of the HOT CARS Act of 2017

Download the electronic media kit (PDF). Download the following press release (PDF). FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 7, 2017 Contacts:  Bill Bronrott, 202-270-4415, [email protected]; Rep. Tim Ryan contact: Michael Zetts, [email protected], 202-225-5261; Rep. King contact: Kevin Fogarty, [email protected], 202-225-7896; Rep. Schakowsky contact: Jeronimo Anaya-Ortiz, [email protected], 202-374-1098; contact: Amber Andreasen, 913-732-2792, [email protected] HOT CARS Act of 2017 Introduced Today – Will Prevent Child Heatstroke Deaths…

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Texas Becomes 43rd State to Pass Primary Enforcement Texting Ban

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6, 2017 Contact: Tara Gill, 202-408-1711, [email protected] STATEMENT OF JACKIE GILLAN, PRESIDENT OF ADVOCATES FOR HIGHWAY AND AUTO SAFETY, ON ENACTMENT OF TEXTING WHILE DRIVING BAN IN TEXAS Tremendous Texas Safety Victory – Texas becomes 43rd state to pass law to reduce distracted driving Today, Texas Governor Abbott signed into law HB 62, a primary enforcement…

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