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KY: A YES Vote on HB 192 Will Improve Safety in Active Highway Work Zones

Vote YES to Advance HB 192 to Improve Safety in Active Highway Work Zones The Dangerous, Deadly and Costly Problem: In 2021, there were 806 fatalities on Kentucky roads. The Bluegrass State incurred $6.2 billion in economic harm due to motor vehicle crashes according to a 2019 analysis. Work zones are particularly dangerous. In 2022, 1,074 crashes occurred in Kentucky…

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NH: State Has Major Opportunity to Protect Children in Motor Vehicles

Improperly restrained children traveling in vehicles present a serious yet fixable public health problem. An average of over three children under age 14 were killed and about 445 were injured every day in traffic crashes in 2021 – amounting to a total of 1,184 fatalities and 162,298 others injured. New Hampshire House Bill 1467 enhances safety by recognizing that children…

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MD: Advocates Asks Legislature to Address Speeding Related Crashes

Speed is a major contributor to crashes in Maryland. In 2021, of the 561 traffic fatalities in the state, 30 percent (168) were speeding related. Moreover, urban areas in Maryland are particularly at risk as 91 percent of the state’s traffic fatalities occurred in urban areas. In addition to being tragic, the unnecessary deaths resulting from speeding are costly. Maryland…

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HI: No Time to Waste in Passing Bills to Lower BAC to .05%

Drunk driving is a major factor in motor vehicle crashes in Hawaii, accounting for 30 percent of fatalities. Advocates, along with coalition partners have endorsed House Bill 1935 and Senate Bill 2384 and urged lawmakers to move swiftly toward passage. Lowering the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit to .05 percent is proven to save lives. Read coalition letter of…

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