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Over 65 Groups Ask Senate to Keep Driverless Cars Out of FAA Bill

A broad and diverse coalition of local, state and national organizations representing safety, public health, bicyclists, pedestrians, engineers, smart growth, consumer and environmental groups, law enforcement and first responders, disability communities and families affected by motor vehicle crashes sent the following letter to Senators calling on them to oppose attempts to attach the AV START Act (S. 1885) to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act (S. 1405).

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Groups Urge Senate Committee to Address AV Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

In preparation for tomorrow’s hearing “Complex Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities: Lessons Learned from Spectre and Meltdown,” we write to highlight the critical problems related to the cybersecurity of connected and autonomous vehicles (AVs).  As these cars will be “computers on wheels,” it is absolutely essential that strong protections be in place to safeguard against potentially catastrophic instances of vehicle hacking.

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Advocates’ Statement on July 4th Travel

The Independence Day holiday is one of the most dangerous times to travel on our Nation’s roadways.  Over the five-day period from today through to July 4, approximately 500 people will die and 32,500 more will be injured in preventable crashes.  These eye-popping numbers should be even more attention-getting than a fireworks finale.  State elected officials throughout the country need to take swift action to make their roads and highways safer.

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Advocates’ Letter Urges NY Governor to Save Speed Camera Program

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety urges Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D-NY) to reconvene the legislature to advance Assembly Bill (A.) 7798 C/Senate Bill (S.) 6046 C. This legislation would improve safety on New York City streets by increasing the number of schools at which photo speed violation monitoring systems may be utilized, expanding the times of operation, and extending the school speed camera program until July 1, 2022.

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