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Joint Statement in Honor of National Police Week, May 10-16, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 9, 2020 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / [email protected] / 301-442-2249 (C) Joint Statement in Honor of National Police Week, May 10-16, 2020   Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates): “In honor of National Police Week, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety would like to express our condolences to those who have lost loved…

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Opposing Effort to Repeal Missouri’s All-Rider Helmet Law

The Missouri Times published the following joint op-ed on May 7, 2020: Opposing Missouri Motorcycle Helmet Repeal   The Missouri Legislature is once again considering a repeal of the state’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law.  Proponents of this imprudent action have been known to use the justification, “Let those who ride decide,” and seem willing to accept that crash casualties and…

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Statement on Estimated 2019 Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 5, 2020 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / [email protected] / 301-442-2249 (C)   Statement of Cathy Chase, President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, On Estimated 2019 Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities An estimated 36,120 people killed in 2019 according to newly released data — Action to advance proven solutions is needed to address the persistently high crash death toll  …

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Without regulation, self-driving cars could be a hazard

The Washington Post published the following joint Letter to the Editor on May 3, 2020: Without regulation, self-driving cars could be a hazard   The April 19 Commuter article “Self-driving cars will exacerbate traffic jams if region fails to act, study says” underscored the necessity to regulate autonomous vehicles before they hit public streets — a position held by our organizations and…

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