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NY: Advocates Urges New York Leaders to Enact Sammy’s Law

Advocates is calling on New York leaders to enact “Sammy’s Law” as part of this year’s budget process. This measure will improve safety by permitting New York City to decrease speed limits from 25 to 20 miles per hour (mph) on residential streets. Excess speed contributes to both the frequency and severity of motor vehicle crashes and proves especially dangerous…

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LA: Advocates Heralds Passage of Lifesaving Drunk Driving Law in Louisiana

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement on Passage of Senate Bill (SB) 7 to Upgrade Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Law for Drunk Drivers This Safety Victory Will Save Lives in Louisiana March 1, 2024 | Yesterday, the Louisiana State Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 7 introduced by Sen. Rick Edmonds (R-Central). Once enacted, the new law will mandate ignition interlock devices (IIDs)…

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MI: Advocates Supports Improving Child Passenger Safety

Advocates wrote to Senate leaders in support of House Bill (HB) 4511 to establish protections for child passengers. HB 4511 will improve child passenger safety by requiring children to be restrained in a rear-facing safety seat until at least age two; children who outgrow a rear-facing safety seat to be secured in a forward-facing child restraint system with a harness…

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