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Labor Day Weekend Statement

This Labor Day, Advocates thanks all workers whose “office” is the roadway and calls upon NHTSA to reduce the horrific fatality and injury toll with swift action on comprehensive requirements for lifesaving technology.

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New York Times Letter to the Editor: Go Slow on Driverless Cars

On August 28, 2022 the New York Times published a letter to the editor by Cathy Chase, President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) and Joan Claybrook, former Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): “Go Slow on Driverless Cars.”

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Petition for Reconsideration of the Final Rule on Rear Impact Guards

Petitioners request a stay of the effective date of the Final Rule until the Administrator can render a decision on this Petition for Reconsideration. In sum, the Final Rule is not in the public interest and failed to properly consider available data and testing resulting in NHTSA issuing an inadequate and dangerous performance standard for underride guards.

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Letter to the Editor: San Francisco Shows Need for AV Regulation

Excerpt: “San Francisco offers an early glimpse into the likely treacherous course of AV technology in the absence of a thorough and deliberate process that addresses known dangers and unintended consequences posed by wide-scale deployment. Thorough data collection and transparency combined with standards that establish a baseline for safety are essential. Policymakers should heed the experience in San Francisco, and other known failures and crashes across the country, to comprehensively address AV safety through regulation and oversight.”

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