Posts Tagged :

all-rider helmet law

LA: Advocates Urges a NO Vote on Dangerous Motorcycle Helmet Repeal Bill

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

House Bill (HB 317) would repeal Louisiana’s Lifesaving All-Rider Helmet Law. Motorcycles are the most hazardous form of motor vehicle transportation, and fatalities are rising. In 2021, 5,932 motorcyclists were killed in the U.S., the most on record. 81 of…

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Advocates and the Skilled Motorcyclist Association Urge Tennessee Lawmakers to Preserve the State’s All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

For nearly 55 years, this critical law has been preventing deaths and injuries and saving taxpayer dollars in Tennessee. To repeal the all-rider helmet law would be a deadly and costly mistake.

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Joint Statement Opposing Senate Bill (SB) 712 to Repeal Maryland’s All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

On February 19, 2021 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), the Maryland Emergency Nurses Association and the Partnership for a Safer Maryland submitted a statement opposing Senate Bill (SB) 712, which would repeal Maryland’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law.  The statement was submitted for the record to the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in advance of a February 23, 2021 hearing.

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Joint Statement Opposing Legislative Bill (LB) 581 to Repeal Nebraska’s All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Our organizations urge you to oppose legislative bill (LB) 581 to repeal Nebraska’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law. For 32 years this critical law has been preventing deaths and injuries and saving taxpayer dollars in Nebraska. To repeal the all-rider helmet law would be a deadly and costly mistake.

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