Posts Tagged :

auto safety

Statement on Child Passenger Safety Week

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Over the last few months, numerous reports from across the country have made it clear that our roadways have turned into risky raceways with motorists driving recklessly at excessively high speeds, while distracted or when impaired. This trend endangers all road users, especially children. During Child Passenger Safety Week (September 20-26), we urge all parents and caregivers to make certain children are best protected while on the road.

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Richmond Times-Dispatch Letter to Editor by Cathy Chase: Action Needed to Reduce Aggressive Driving

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

As a Virginia resident and mother of a teenager whom I’m trying to teach how to drive safely, I greatly appreciated Opinions Editor Pamela Stallsmith’s recent editorial, “Driving during COVID-19: What’s the rush?” calling on drivers to slow down on our state’s roadways. I have witnessed firsthand the reckless driving that has become more common since the start of the pandemic.

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Statement: Truck Driver Hours of Service Rule Challenged in Federal Court by Coalition of Driver and Safety Groups

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

In June, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced drastic changes to federal truck driver hours of service (HOS) rules. Under the guise of increased flexibility, the changes will further exacerbate the already well-known threat of fatigue among commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers by significantly weakening current HOS rules. As such, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Parents Against Tired Truckers (PATT) and Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways (CRASH) have filed a petition today with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit seeking to invalidate this flawed rule. The parties are represented by Public Citizen Litigation Group.

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Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 with the mission of reducing the number of deaths, injuries, and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes.  While a series of “pat on the back” online discussions this week will focus on progress made over the last 50 years, in reality this agency is failing to meet the moment.  Just today, the National Safety Council released statistics for the first half of 2020 showing fatality rates on our roadways are estimated to have increased 20 percent.  Clearly more can and must be done to address this disturbing and distressing uptick.

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