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Joint Statement: U.S. Department of Transportation Enables Carmakers to Bypass Safety Rules, Weakens the Public’s Ability to Hold Them Accountable

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 8, 2020 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / / 301-442-2249 (C)   U.S. Department of Transportation Enables Carmakers to Bypass Safety Rules, Weakens the Public’s Ability to Hold Them Accountable Coalition of auto safety and consumer advocates…

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Advocates Discusses Ways to Improve Safety for Bicyclists and Pedestrians During League of American Bicyclists Panel

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) President Cathy Chase participated in an online panel discussion, “Give Bicyclists a Brake – the Role of Vehicles in #VisionZero,” hosted by the League of American Bicyclists as part of their annual National…

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Statement on the House Democrats’ Plan for Infrastructure Investments to Overcome COVID-19 & Support Economic Recovery

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / / 301-442-2249 (C)   Statement of Cathy Chase, President of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), On the House Democrats’ Plan for Infrastructure Investments to Overcome COVID-19 & Support…

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Statement On Latest Expert Crash Investigation Reports Calling for Meaningful Regulation of Partially Autonomous Cars

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 20, 2020 CONTACT: Pete Daniels / / 301-442-2249 (C)   Statement of Cathy Chase, President, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety On Latest Expert Crash Investigation Reports Calling for Meaningful Regulation of Partially Autonomous Cars   Congress…

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