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child passenger safety

Message to Congress From ‘Hot Car’ Incident Victim Advocate Angela Jones

768 1024 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

“It breaks our hearts to know that there is affordable, available technology out there that could have detected our little girl, Charly, in my husband’s vehicle and saved her life by sounding an alarm and sending an alert to his phone.  My husband was only 20 feet away from her the entire time she was trapped inside his vehicle.  Had he known, he would have done literally anything to protect her.  The Hot Cars Act, which is part of the House INVEST in America Act, should be passed immediately so that all vehicles come with this life-saving technology.”

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Organizations in support of the Hot Cars Act (H.R. 3164)

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

The Hot Cars Act (H.R. 3164) requires new vehicles to be equipped with inexpensive, existing technology that can detect the presence of an occupant inside when the engine is off and alert the driver and/or others to prevent hot car injuries and deaths.

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Press Release on Introduction of the Hot Cars Act in Congress

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Since 1990, nearly 1,000 children have died in hot cars. “Children will continue to die in hot cars until technology is utilized to detect and alert others of their presence inside a vehicle. Education alone will not solve this problem because no one thinks a hot car tragedy can happen to them. That is precisely why technology is necessary. The fact that these systems exist to save the lives of children, but are not being included in all new vehicles is inconceivable,” stated Janette Fennell, founder and president of Kids and Car Safety. 

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Message to New Hampshire Senate on Child Passenger Safety Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

As leading public health and medical, traffic safety and child safety advocacy organizations, the New Hampshire Emergency Nurses Association, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), and Kids and Car Safety, urge you to support the version of House Bill (HB) 251 prior to being amended in the Senate Transportation Committee to upgrade New Hampshire’s child occupant protection statute.  The amendment would weaken child passenger safety efforts by conducting a study in place of needed improvements.

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