Posts Tagged :

child passenger safety

Message to New Hampshire Senate on Child Passenger Safety Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

As leading public health and medical, traffic safety and child safety advocacy organizations, the New Hampshire Emergency Nurses Association, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates), and Kids and Car Safety, urge you to support the version of House Bill (HB) 251 prior to being amended in the Senate Transportation Committee to upgrade New Hampshire’s child occupant protection statute.  The amendment would weaken child passenger safety efforts by conducting a study in place of needed improvements.

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Statement on National Heatstroke Prevention Day, May 1

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Inexpensive technology to detect the presence of an unattended child in a vehicle and alert to their presence exists today.  The Hot Cars Act, which directs the U.S. Department of Transportation to issue a rule to make this technology standard equipment in new cars, will soon be reintroduced and Congress should take immediate action to advance it.

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School Bus Safety Act Press Conference Remarks

768 1024 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

While school buses generally experience fewer crashes than other types of vehicles, basic safety features like seat belts are still not required.  We must urgently address this major safety gap.

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