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Letter to the Editor by Michelle DuBarry on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

We need DeFazio to keep fighting for this and other safety improvements in the House bill before a package is sent to the president who, like me, has endured the loss of a young child.

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Joint Statement on U.S. Senate’s Passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

1024 374 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

 Failure to adopt House-passed safety requirements in the Senate’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act puts all road users on a dangerous and deadly path.

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Message to Congress from Victim Advocates on Transportation and Infrastructure Legislation

652 466 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Congress must advance proven vehicle safety solutions to prevent future tragedies as part of transportation and infrastructure legislation.

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Message to Congress from Hot Car Incident Victim Advocates Jamie & Andrew Dill, PhD

303 403 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

“We the people are trusting our elected officials to help our children, our future.  Pass the Hot Cars Act as part of transportation and infrastructure legislation.”

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