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League of American Bicyclists

Statement in Opposition to the SELF DRIVE Act

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Today, Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) re-introduced the Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle Evolution (SELF DRIVE) Act, legislation on driverless cars, or autonomous vehicles (AVs), that would perpetuate a dangerous hands-off approach to hands-free driving, while also restricting states’ abilities to protect their road users from this unproven technology.

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Advocates Discusses Ways to Improve Safety for Bicyclists and Pedestrians During League of American Bicyclists Panel

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) President Cathy Chase participated in an online panel discussion, “Give Bicyclists a Brake – the Role of Vehicles in #VisionZero,” hosted by the League of American Bicyclists as part of their annual National…

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Media Alert: Capitol Hill Briefing on Autonomous Vehicle Safety

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

CONTACT: Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety:  Pete Daniels / 202-408-1711 / 301-442-2249 (C) / [email protected] The Center for Auto Safety: Jason Levine / 202-328-7700 / [email protected] Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund: Carol Tyson / 202-878-9186 / [email protected] League…

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