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Nebraska legislature

NE: Bill Upgrading Distracted Driving Law to Primary Enforcement Is A Good Step for Safety

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates has informed leadership of the Nebraska Legislature’s Transportation and Telecommunications Committee of our support of Legislative Bill (LB) 594 to upgrade the state’s distracted driving law to primary enforcement while recommending improvements to enhance safety based on research and experience.…

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Joint Statement Opposing Legislative Bill (LB) 581 to Repeal Nebraska’s All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Our organizations urge you to oppose legislative bill (LB) 581 to repeal Nebraska’s all-rider motorcycle helmet law. For 32 years this critical law has been preventing deaths and injuries and saving taxpayer dollars in Nebraska. To repeal the all-rider helmet law would be a deadly and costly mistake.

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