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occupant detection

Leading up to National Heatstroke Prevention Day (May 1), Members of Congress, Safety Advocates and Families Affected by Hot Car Deaths Stress the Urgent Need for Effective Hot Car Technology

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

In November 2021, IIJA was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden.  It includes a provision that addresses hot car tragedies by requiring an ‘audio and visual reminder alert to check the back seat’ in new passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, the provision does not specify the requirement for the system to detect a child alone in a vehicle. Without detection, a system will be inadequate. A reminder alert alone falls short of what is needed to prevent hot car deaths and injuries and creates a false sense of security for families.

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Remarks by Cathy Chase at Press Conference on Occupant Detection and Alert Technology to Prevent Hot Car Deaths and Injuries

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Safety technology that detects and alerts to the presence of unattended children must be required as standard equipment on all new passenger vehicles. Absent requiring that new cars be equipped with a system to detect occupants in the whole passenger compartment, children will continue to be imperiled and families will be left with a false sense of security.

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Message to Congress from Hot Car Incident Victim Advocate Lindsey Rogers-Seitz

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“It has been seven years since my precious son Benjamin passed away in our family vehicle after a change in routine caused my husband to forget that he had not dropped him off at daycare.  Families do not move on from tragedies like this, and perhaps the most tragic thing of all is that these hot car incidents are preventable with the right kind of technology.  Car manufacturers have been aware of this problem for decades.  We need the U.S. Senate to follow the lead of the House and include the Hot Cars Act in transportation and infrastructure legislation.”

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