Posts Tagged :

roadway safety

Advocates Highlights Roadway Safety Priorities Ahead of Senate Hearing on Federal Highway Administration

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Ahead of a hearing tomorrow in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works titled “Oversight and Budget of the Federal Highway Administration” Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) has sent a letter to Committee leadership highlighting action needed…

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Advocates Submits Letter Outlining Solutions to Roadway Safety Crisis, AV Concerns Ahead of Senate Hearing

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On Tuesday May 21, 2024 the Senate Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight and Ports is holding a hearing titled “Examining the Roadway Safety Crisis and Highlighting Community Solutions.” Ahead of the hearing, Advocates has submitted a letter to the…

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Press Release: Out of Control Death Toll on U.S. Roadways Requires Urgent Action by State and Federal Officials — New Report by Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety (Advocates) Details a Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Crashes, Fatalities and Injuries

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The recent, unprecedented spike in fatalities merits urgent action.  Fortunately, the solutions to persistent issues causing crash deaths and injuries, as detailed in Advocates’ Roadmap Report, are verified and available.  Every serious preventable crash exacts a physical, emotional, and economic toll.  Lawmakers and those empowered to protect road users must chart a course in 2022 to address “out of control” fatalities by supporting proven countermeasures and commonsense vehicle safety upgrades.

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