Posts Tagged :

speed safety cameras

GA: Prohibiting Safety Technology That Helps Keep School Children Safe Would be Dangerous Step Backward

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates has sent a letter to leadership of the Georgia House Committee on Motor Vehicles outlining our opposition to House Bill (HB) 225. This legislation prohibits the use of automated speed enforcement (ASE) systems in school zones, an effective and…

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NH: Bill Allowing Safety Tech Proven to Save Lives Should be Advanced

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates supports House Bill (HB) 305 to allow municipalities to use safety cameras for automated traffic enforcement (AE). AE is proven to curb speeding and red light running and is a vital tool to ensure the health and safety of…

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MI: Advocates Calls on Legislature to Take Action on Deadly and Costly Speeding Issue

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates has sent a letter to leaders in the Michigan House and Senate in support of House Bills (HB) 4132 and 4921. HB 4132 would allow speed safety cameras in active work zones on roadways under the jurisdiction of the…

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VT: Advocates Calls on Gov. Scott to Sign S. 184 to Address High Percentage of Speed-Related Crash Fatalities

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Vermont has one of the highest speeding-related traffic fatality rates in the country. In 2021, 30 people were killed on Vermont’s roads, and 41 percent of the crash fatalities involved speeding. Comparatively, speeding was a factor in 29 percent of…

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