Posts Tagged :

young driver

KY: Bill Allowing More Inexperienced Drivers on Roads Threatens Safety For All

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates has urged the leadership of the Kentucky Senate Committee on Transportation to oppose House Bill (HB) 15. This measure will reduce the minimum driving age by one year to 15 years old and reduce the minimum age for an…

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CA: Advocates Urges Appropriations Committee to Support GDL Improvement

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates wrote to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations urging the committee to support Assembly Bill (AB) 2385. This vital legislation will improve California’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) law by requiring older teen and young adult novice drivers up to age…

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CA: Advocates Calls on California to Strengthen GDL Law

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

Advocates urges California to enact Assembly Bill (AB) 2385. This legislation will improve California’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) law by requiring older teen and young adult novice drivers up to age 21 to participate in the state’s GDL program. AB…

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Announcement of a new coalition supporting upgrades to graduated driver licensing requirements in New Jersey

150 150 Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety

To kick off National Teen Driver Safety Week, AAA Clubs of New Jersey — along with more than 20 like-minded traffic safety, education, and insurance organizations — announced their support for S1963/A1354, sponsored by Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez and Assembly Transportation Chairman Daniel Benson.

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